Pagi (Pagi)
Squall, wuther (related to Old Norse hviða: ‘squall of wind’ so Pagimäe would be better than Vihurimäe, see Tuulemäe), either a single, strong gust of wind, sometimes accompanied by a change of direction and rain or hail, or a storm with a series of such gusts. Anecdote about street-naming in Tallinn: while the original name for Pagi, Sopi, was eliminated for being too similar to its next-door neighbor, Soodi, the street-name commission checked with emergency departments to see whether Pagi and Paagi would be confused. However, with the first in Mustjõe and the second in Paljassaare, there didn’t seem much risk. My own take on this is, given Estonia’s obsession with the length of its vowels, there’s no way they’d confuse the two.