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Technical terms and stuff


Aas Meadow, pasture
Aed Garden
Allee Avenue, alley, parkway, lane, walk, path
Asum Subdistrict, neighborhood
Haljak Green, grassplot
Hoov Court
Jalg Foot/Leg (approach to hill or mountain)
Järv Lake
Kael Passageway (Lit. Neck)
Käik Passage, alley, gang
Kalmistu Cemetery (aka surnuaed, or garden of the dead)
Kvartal District, quarter, neighborhood
Linnaosa Town or city district, borough
Maantee (mnt) Road, highroad, highway
Mets Wood, forest
Oja Stream, brook
Ots End, cape
Õu Courtyard
Park I’ll let you guess this one
Passaaž Mall, arcade, gallery
Plats Square
Põik Short for põiktänav, minor crossroad
Puiestee (pst) Avenue, boulevard
Puiestik Grove, park, small wood
Raba Moor, moorland, bog
Rand Beach, shore, coast
Sadam Port, harbor
Sild Bridge
Tänav (tn) Street, term originally used for a village lane
Tee Road, lane, track
Tiik Pond
Torn Tower
Trepp Steps or staircase
Tunnel Another difficult one
Turg Market
Umbtänav Cul-de-sac, dead end, blind alley, impasse
Vaateplats Viewing-point, belvedere
Väljak Place, square, also court (tennis), course (golf)
Värav Gate, gateway


Street-Name Modifiers

Ala Lower
Ees In front, fore-
Kesk Central, middle
Suur (suure) Great, large
Taga Behind
Uus (uue) New
Vahe Middle, between
Vana (vana) Old
Väike (väikse, väikese) Small
Ülem Upper


Abbreviations & Symbols

Aka Also known as
BCE Before Common Era (replaces BC)
BP Before Present
CE Common Era (replaces AD)
EES Eesti Etümoloogiasõnaraamat
EKI Eesti Keele Instituut
EKSS Eesti Keele Seletav Sõnaraamat
FU Finno-Ugric
KNAB EKI Place Names Database
LCD Liber Census Daniae
Lit. Literally
MHG Middle High German
MLG Middle Low German
PIE Proto-Indo-European
TAAK Tallinna Asumid ja Ametlikud Kohanimed
TT Tallinna Tänavad
Symbol designating a monument. Monument
Symbol designating an Estonian "Linnaosa", or District. District (Linnaosa)
Symbol designating an Estonian "Asum", or Division. Division (Asum)
Symbol designating an Estonian "Allasum", or Subdivision. Subdivision (Allasum)
* An asterisk before a word in italics indicates it to be a hypothetical form
xxx:xxxi Word shown in its nominative and genitive forms