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Soodi (Soot)

Oxbow lake, body of stagnant water, arm of a river separated from the main channel, old, dried-up river bed. Named for the former rivers that were part of what used to be the Mustjõe delta emptying into Kopli laht (bay). For “used to be”, see Liiva and Paljassaare. Word probably derived from Soo. Soot:soodi is also the nautical term for the strange-sounding Eng. for ‘rope’, i.e. sheet, or line used to control the sail. Originally from Old Eng. sceatline where the first part comes from sceata, the lower part of the sail, and clearly derived from Old Eng. sciete, scete, etc., length of cloth, giving us also bed-‘sheet’, and the second part gradually fading from use and memory. See Köismäe.