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Wulfardi-tagune torn (0) Symbol designating a Point of Interest.

Wulfard Rosendal, ?-ca. 1411. Often inaccurately named as Fulfordi-tagune torn. Named after Wulffard Rosendal, mayor of Åbo/Turku, Finland, in 1390, and Tallinn burgher who later retired with his wife to Pirita convent. Money management was not a prime quality in this family: the loans he made from Tallinn council became a local soap, dragging on for years, and in 1430, his son (apparently), another Wulfard Rosendal, accused his brother-in-law, a certain Gerd or Gherhardus van der Beke, one-time Tafelbruder and keeper of the key to Eppingi torn, of stealing his paternal inheritance, rather late on the uptake, or perhaps a third generation of WRs? See also Grusbeke-tagune torn.