Lurenburgi torn (0) 
Last built (1538–1554) but not last demolished (1767) Tallinn tower. Sometimes spelled Lurenbergi, Luhrenburgi, or Luerborch, the first recorded name was Lurerborch, but its origins are not clear. Ignoring the relatively flimsy evidence for an eponymous Mr Luer, the name can be broken down into the 2 MLG words lūren and borch, the former meaning to lurk, deceive, or lie in wait secretly, and the latter, among others, castle or fortress. If so, since lūren's counterpart lūrære would give rise to Mod. Est. luuraja, military scout, spy, or just plain lookout, and it being designed as a smaller-scale canon tower (like Paks Margareeta) outside the wall protecting Harju Gate, (see Harjuvärava), the original name may come from its function as roundel or redoubt-like lookout and reconnaissance tower.