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Kuldjala torn (0) Symbol designating a Point of Interest.

Golden leg/foot tower, originally built ±1311-1320. Previously known as de Guldene Voet, sometimes as Kalle Torn. Estonians do not distinguish feet from legs, or hands from arms, rather confusing at times. See Sõnajala. A footnote in Tallinna Keskaegsed Kindlustused quotes Johansen (1959, not listed in appendix) as “d.h. Kuldjalg, warum bleibt unbekannt” (in other words Kuldjalg, but why remains unknown). Sounds a bit like the name of a tavern or cobbler to me. Revamped in the 16/17th C as food and powder store and still used for the latter until 1725. See also Kuradi torn.