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Haabersti (?) Symbol designating a Tallinn "Linnaosa", or District. Symbol designating a Tallinn "Asum", or Sub-district.

Manor house closish to Tallinn center, roughly on the site of the present-day zoo. First recorded in relation to a Tonnies Haberes / Habers / Habris / Habres of the former Lahepea village a mile or so away, and apparently renamed in German as Habers Hof, Oat Manor in 1557 and reasonably assumed to be derived from the German Hafer, oats. But, was Tonnies’ ‘surname’ an actual surname, in which case the association would be fortuitous at best, or was it a trade ‘surname’ such as Smith or Baker? Street previously written Haawersti (1920), Haberscher Weg and Hawersche Straße. It must also rank as one of Tallinn’s more devious addresses: If you live in Haabersti, is it the street, the Sub-district (asum), or the District (linnaosa)? It is also the only occurrence in Tallinn where a street is in, and only in, an identically-named District and Sub-district. The other two contenders, Mustamäe and Pirita, spill onto their respective neighbors. The Haabersti Linnaosa includes the following Asumid: Astangu, Haabersti, Kakumäe, Mustjõe, Mäeküla, Pikaliiva, Rocca al Mare, Tiskre, Veskimetsa, Vismeistri, Väike-Õismäe and Õismäe.