Kakumäe (Kakumäe) :
Reads like loaf/bannock or owl hill, but meaning uncertain. The kaku is said to be from kakk:kaku, earless or wood owl, Strix spp., although folk etymology prefers the more romantic (wut?...) katk:katku, plague, for a plague-epoch mass grave, but which plague: 1211-12 or 1532 is not clear? Neither are that convincing. Spelling has ranged from Kakamaye (first mentioned 1467) through Kakomiag with a village named Kaggomeggi in 1726 to Kakomäggi and Kackemaye. Named after a Haabersti summer manor, and/or locality including peninsula (poolsaar), cape (neem), spit (nina), and bar (leetselg, sandbank not bottlebank) in NW Tallinn. Former location of various fishing villages. For the erratically enthusiastic, there is a Mustkivi on the tip of the peninsula at ///target.lagoon.continuation, see Rändrahnu.