Nunnadetagune torn (0) 
Lit. behind the nuns. The nuns in question being those of the Cistercian convent of St Michael, Püha Miikaeli klooster, which used to be (1249-1629) within the perimeter of Kooli, Aida, Lai, Suur-Kloostri and Gümnaasiumi. In 1543, the year which European historians usually consider the switch point between the Middle-Ages and Rennaissance, its abbot, Elsebe Soye, converted to Lutheranism. In 1631, it was ceded to Tallinn City for use as a school, changing its name since then 15 times, including a 5-day spin in February 1918 as Töörahva Valitsuse Tallinna Poeglaste Gümnaasium, or Tallinn working-people’s government boys’ school, ending up as today’s Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasium, one of whose alumni was the short-lived Bengt Gottfried Forselius (±1660-1688), teacher, founder of peasant schools and spelling reformer, then in 1922 its eastern wing went full monty and converted into a Saku beer bottling-plant (see Odra). Sic transit gloria bloody mundi. See next entry Nunnatorn.