Saku (Sakk)
1) Tree stump (cf. Sagari); 2) Wisp of straw; 3) Bunch/Cluster of fruit or nuts; 4) Archaic term for bag [curiously, EKSS gives sakk:saki, and both this and its commoner word, kott:kotti, are loans from German: sac (sack, bag) from OHG (see Sulevimägi), and either kuđđan from OHG/OLG(?) or kǖdel (pouch) from MLG, leading to Eng. cod, i.e. scrotum (think ‘codpiece’), and kotti in certain dialects of Finland, land of gender equality: scrotum, uterus or placenta]; 5) More realistically: town close to Tallinn, its brewery and beer, after whose station on the Tallinn-Türi narrow-gauge railway line group it was named (see also Türi).