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Soo (Soo)

Swamp, march, bog. Two streets called Soo: 1) the old one, in Nõmme, now known as Alliksoo; and 2) the current one, in Kalamaja, named for its proximity to Kalamäe Soo (see Erika), and formerly occupying parts of both Uus-Kalamaja and Tööstuse, hence its colorful past ranging from Koppelscher Weg or Коппельская дорога and Ziegelskoppelscher Weg (1774, see Kopli), Sumpfstraße (1877) and Болотная (Bolotnaya, 1907), both ‘marsh’, then Große Fischermay-Straße (see Kalamaja) and finally Nikonovi J. (1951-1991) during the Soviet Era. The fact that Soo ‘starts’ in Kalamaja probably caused Kivi’s notion that Kalamäe Soo was located there too, see Angerja.