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Oleviste (Olevist?)

Olev’s, after the church alongside which it runs (built by Olev the giant and/or fairytale stranger who promptly died upon completing the spire. Please do not doubt this, although some skeptics insist on claiming it was named for Saint Olaf, 995-1030, enslaved as a young lad on Saaremaa, later King Olaf II of Norway); church reputed to be (in other words, probably wasn’t) the tallest building in the world from 1549 to 1625, at which point (pun intended) the spire burnt down due to lightning. Interestingly, Ben Franklin was one of the first to write about the arrogance of putting lightning-conductors on church steeples. Since lightning was considered an ‘Act of God’, who are mortals to block His meteorological spam? Since the spire was struck by lightning about 10 times, kudos to the Estonians for trying. The –(i)ste ending may be from the old Norse.