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Olevimägi (Olevimägi)

Olev’s mountain or hill. Street first identified as mons arenae, hill of sand (dated 1312 in TT, but 1332/3 in Arbusov?), then Zantberg, sand hill (1337), and possibly de isern doere, MLG for ‘iron door’, in the 15-16th C which may be a conflation with the same in Sulevimägi. Following this, few records until 1732 when the Brookus name appears: der Brocks-Berg in German and prooks mäggi in old-style Estonian. Variants of Broksmägi, Brokusmägi and Suur Brookusmägi (to differentiate it from Sulevimägi) occurred until the 1920s and switched definitively to its current name in 1935.