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Kadaka (Kaddak) Symbol designating a Tallinn "Asum", or Sub-district.

The Sub-district was built on an eponymous former manor house belonging to Haabersti. Also the name of a village in Rae, close to Tallinn. Kadakas:kadaka, the bush, better known as harilik kadakas, is the common juniper, Juniperus communis. As any gin drinker, Swiss, Dutch (another gin-producing country, hence the drink’s other name of Hollands...) or otherwise, would know, its berries are used for flavoring: Juniper, in French is genièvre, geneva, another old term for gin. From 1940-1941, Kadaka puiestee was also known as Kommunaari puiestee, after either the Paris Communards or, the XXX Noored Kommunaarid review written by Estonian communists in Russia from 1920-1922 or, less likely, the town of Kommunaar near St Petersburg (a “Kommunaar” footwear and leather-goods firm took up the banner from 1944). Settlements date back to late Bronze Age. See also TalvikuKadaka also includes 9 quarters (kvarterid): Akadeemia, Kadaka I, II & III; Laki I & II; and Mäepealse I, II & III, which are not discussed at present.