Viki (Vikk)
1) Common vetch; 2) limestone paste; 3) bung, spigot; 4) All that for nothing, street no longer exists... Anagram of Kivi. Nevertheless, the English term ‘vetch’ cannot but instantly remind one of the genial Peter Simon Pallas (1741-1811), scientist, geographer, and explorer, one of the precursor thinkers of Darwin’s theory of evolution and discoverer of numerous plant and animal (the cat, obviously) species, not to mention Ammodytes hexapterus, the sand eel, väike tobias (‘little Toby’, but see Nigli), which he mistook for a mollusk (we may forgive him) and, I’m getting there, the vetch Astragalus alopecurus. Odd, this is not a street. For some, perhaps an abbreviation for the Vikimõisa Ward, for others, an underhand addition to a paper map designed to trap plagiarists.
NB: If anybody can help me obtain Pallas’ multilingual dictionary I would be exceedingly grateful to the extent of rewarding said person with cash and/or a pint, whichever you can afford to buy me ;o)