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Väo (Väo) Symbol designating a Tallinn "Asum", or Sub-district.

After one-time village east of Tallinn, first recorded in LCD as Uvætho (1241), followed by Vethe (1298), Vewenkülle (1389), Feht (1674), Feht Hoff (1689), Wehokylla (?), Waeo (1871) and Faeht (1913). Also a road called Väo tee once known as Fähtscher Weg. Settlements recorded as far back as the Bronze Age. Located near the Pirita river rapids, its name is suggested to come from an earlier root of vedama, to draw, tug, convey, etc., *Vädu or *Vedu, loaned from PIE *wed-, about which see Vee. The name was later given to a linnamõis (see Mõisa) a kilometer or so NNW, owned at one stage by one of the Jobst Duntes, so also known as Tondi Mõis (see Tondi and Tondiraba). Another Väo Mõis was located some 20-odd km east of Tallinn.