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Turu (Turg)

Market. Name used in three configurations: 1) tänav, whose residents were initially located by liival, kitsas tänavas, or ‘in a narrow street on the sand’, indicating the extent of Tallinn sands, here about 2 km from the shore, then by Salzmann-Dörptsche Straße (Saltzmann-Tartu road, 1825, after a local councillor), moving later to various herring-based names: Heringstraße (1865); Heeringi (1885); Heeringa (1908-1948) and even, at one stage, Подселедочная ул (under the [sign of the] herring) which Kivi suggests was a herring store cum tavern; 2) põik Soviet Era renaming (1954-1991) of Keldrimäe; and 3) plats in Nõmme. Anagram of Rutu. Turu is a loan from Old East Slavic *tъrgъ, tǔrgǔ?, which seems to have also loaned it old Swedish, torg, as well as to the Finnish town of Turku, the genitive of which is Turun (see Kauba).