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Tõnismäe (Tõnismägi): Symbol designating a Tallinn "Asum", or Sub-district.

St Anthony’s mountain or hill. Confusingly, Tõnismäe, the District, is genitive while the street, uncluttered by any street type (tänav, tee, etc.) is nominative (see Kollane and Tõnismägi below)... Tõnismäe haljak, on the other hand, was known as Vabastajate väljak, Liberators’ square, from 1945-1996. As to the windmill, Tõnismäe tuuleveski aka tuleweski or Wind-Mühle, it seems to have re-imagined itself as a water tower. If water-towers excite your soul, check out Tõnismägi No.12-14. The world will seem less dark. For those with even less taste for life, see Vocabulário Popular de Porto Velho by Beto Bertagna and myself, a slang glossary of Porto Velho, 20th-C Brazilian rubber-boom frontier town upon whose coat of arms figures no less than a trio of water-towers, essential requirement to any town in the Amazon rain forest.