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Sulevi (Sulev)

Short for Sulevipoeg, Sulev’s son. According to Kreutzwaldi F.R., one of the 3 cousins and fighting companions of the epic hero Kalevipoeg (along with Alevi and Olevi, see Kalevipoja) or possibly a rhyming variant of Kalev’s name. Note: if Kalev can be associated with kala, fish, and Sulev with sulg:sule, feather, this would (could?) then relate Olev to ole(ma), to be, a strange whimsy to say the least. The first two examples, for earlier folk who may well identify their inexplicable and ‘magical’ origins as halfway between two poles of human existence, fact (fish=eat) and fantasy (bird=fly), are not outside the bounds of reason. However, could be an adaptation of plain old Olaf. But where would that have left Alevi?