Suitsupääsuse (Suitsupääsuke)
Barn swallow, Hirundo rustica, Estonia’s national bird and narry a street, avenue nor cul-de-sac in sight. Name proposed by present volume to replace Lahe or, even better, Smuuli J.. Also, drop the bloody diminutive, it’s your national bird, not a KFC. Take a little pride in your volatiles. And if this is the first time a name change can come about due to a foreigner, see võib olla teie esimene pääsuke ka! Another candidate for naming is Karl Ernst von Baer, see Eerikneeme and Tammsaare A.H., or if you need another bird for Lilleküla, why not Siuru, the mythological firebird of Finno-Ugric tradition and name of literary group publisher of 25 books from 1917 to 1919.