Lastekodu (Lastekodu)
Children’s home, orphanage, foundling-hospital, baby farm. Another of the Luther brothers’ works. Known as Lutheri-Vaestekooli, Luther’s orphanage school, until 1923, then shortened to Lutheri or Lutri until 1939. May well be the street with the greatest number of spelling variations. Cheapskate copy-and-paste coming up: Lutheri, Lutri, Lutheri-Vaestekooli, Lutri-Vaestekooli, Luteri-Vaestekooli, Lutre-Vaestekooli, Vaestemaja, Lutheri Vaestelaste, Maneeži, Kinderheimstraße, Lutherstr., Lutherwaisenhausstr., Luther Waisen-hausstr, Armenkinderstr., Manegenstr., Лютерско-Сиротская ул., Сиротская-Лютерская ул., Сиротско-Лютерская ул., Сиротская ул., Манежная ул, Vaeste-Patuste Alev, or Poor Sinners’ Ville (1927) was the prize-winning debut novel of August Jakobson (1904-1963), the ‘leading Stalinist in Soviet Estonian drama’ and, later, head of the Presidium of the ESSR Supreme Soviet. The poverty he describes turned him into a hard line Communist and implacable opponent of soft socialist Friedebert Tuglas (see Väikese Illimari). The Luthers, on the other hand, did something constructive.