Karuvildiku (Karuvildik)
Not quite sure. Lit. “bear-felt boot” (or, unlikely, bearskin boot). Felt, vilt:vildi, from MLG vilt, filt, from PIE *hwel or *hwol is thus cognate with wool (Norw. ull, Ger. Wolle, whence Est. vill:ville) and which, due to the turning/rubbing/rolling/churning movements in making it, raises questions as to its relation to ‘wheel’ via the root *hwl/hl > *kwel- to revolve or move round, thence *kw(e)-kwl-o- wheel and circle – comments welcome. Given its company, fair to assume it could be (intended as?) the name of a moss, although quite a thorough search found no mention of the name. Closest we get is kännuvildik, Aulacomnium androgynum, the aulacomnium or lover’s moss. Street not actually in Tallinn but 300 m away in neighboring Laagri. See also Käolina.