Hagudi (Hagudi [Haggud])
Named after the station (well, platform really) on the Tallinn-Türi narrow-gauge railway line, today the Edelaraudtee line which continues to Viljandi, Tori and Pärnu (see also Keava). Birthplace of Krusensterni. Street previously known as Феллинская ул / Fellin str. / Viljandi due to its location close to the old Felliner Hauptbahnhof or Viljandi Pea(vaksal): Viljandi (Main) Station, today Tallinn-Väike; ‘Felliner Bahnhof II’ was near Petrooleumi and the line ran (or probably ambled) down Vesivärava. As to the actual name, see, first, Hao. Given as Haggud in 1447, the name could come from the plural of hagu:hao > hagude (but why, why, why?... OK, maybe a local [and important] resource), but the -gud ending is redolent of Germanic Gut, property or possession. And it has been noted that the occasional Teuton did visit the area at the time… Other lingusts have suggested Agu as a personal name and I’m not going to argue with that.