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Aedvilja (Aedvili)

Vegetables, greens, after a large market garden nearby in the 19th C or earlier. Formerly recorded as Aiavilja (same thing?) (1908-1938) and Galkini (1870-1882) after Mikhail Nikolaiyevich Galkin-Vraskoy 1834-1916 (Михаил Николаевич Галкин-Враской), head of the Governorate of Estonia from 1868-70. Temporarily known by the bilingual Estonian-Russian concoction of Põik uulits (±cross-street road, 1885), but the eat-your-veggies connection kicked back in in 1882 with Gemüsestraße and Овощная ул., the translations of which I’m sure you understand.